The Mordor Orcs overtook the Northerners and were joined by around forty Isengard Orcs led by Uglúk. Uglúk and Grishnákh had begun disputing who would take the Hobbit prisoners. Prelude: Attack on the Woodland Realm – Sauron's assault on Osgiliath – Skirmish at Weathertop – Skirmish in Balin's Tomb – Battle of the Peak – Skirmish at Amon Hen – War Commences: – First Battle of the Fords of Isen – Ambush of the Rohirrim – Second Battle of the Fords of Isen – Battle of the Hornburg – Destruction of Isengard – Battle of Ithilien – Battle of Osgiliath – Siege of Gondor – Battle of the Pelennor Fields – Battle of Dale – Battles of Lórien and invasion of eastern Rohan – Battle Under the Trees – Battle of Cirith Ungol – Ambush in Ithilien – Battle of the Black Gate – Battle of Dol Guldur – Battle of Bywater Without official sanction from King Théoden, Éomer embarked with his troop to pursue the Orcs. Īt the same time, scouts sent ahead by the Orcs were seen by a scout of Rohan, who alerted Éomer that a large Orc-band was crossing the Eastemnet towards Isengard. This disagreement slowed their pace and allowed Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli, who were seeking Merry and Pippin, to advance on the Orcs' trail.

Among the host of Uruk-hai and other Orcs, there was some disagreement on what to do with the hobbits: Uglúk and Grishnákh wanted to search them, while the Moria Orcs, called "Northerners," wanted to kill them. A part of this Orc-band had recently attacked the Fellowship of the Ring in Parth Galen, killing Boromir of Gondor and capturing the hobbits Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrin Took.