We use this to quickly switch service types in the AltManager GUI. TheAlteningAuth4j is a TheAltening Auth API made by Vladymyr.

We use this framework in Elixe to make our lives easier when making event calls. Re-open the Minecraft Launcher and edit your profile to use version Release Metro. In the Metro folder, there should be both Metro.jar and Metro.json. It consists of a collection of mods which are aimed to aid players in their griefing. AlpineĪlpine is a basic event system framework using functional interfaces. Copy the Metro folder from the extracted folder to the versions folder. Nodus is a hacked client created by Scetch. We use their World To Screen class and the getAngleDifference() method of RotationUtils. items mobs Trading villager pillager artifacts Village Artifacts 1.18.2 1.18.1 1.
And for doing so, this mod also adds 'enchated' variants of several hostile mobs. This mob can enchant hostile mobs and can make them stronger. LiquidBounce is a free mixin-based injection hacked-client for Minecraft using Minecraft Forge. The Enchant With Mob mod adds the Enchanter mob from Minecraft Dungeons. Although we don't have a proper manual, if you want to compile Elixe yourself, we added comments on methods (if needed) telling where you should modify external classes. Minecraft How-to Force OP on 1.8.x with the Wurst Hacked Client Sign Hack WiZARD HAX. Because of that, this repository only contains files added post decompilation. Minecraft How-to Force OP on 1.8.x with the Wurst Hacked Client WiZARD HAX. We can't release the decompiled source code of Minecraft in any way. This project is subject to the GNU General Public License v3.0.